CyberChallenge.IT Workshop

The CyberChallenge.IT Workshop gathers participants, former participants, and tutors in an informal environment to present and discuss their experience during and after the project, within the scope of "Capture the Flag" (CTF) competitions.


0:00:00Apertura del 1° Workshop CyberChallenge.IT
0:02:22Perché le CTF sono piú di un "gioco"?
Alessandro Mizzaro
0:18:22Boot to root CTFs workshop
Alex Bellan
0:48:18Glitch them all
Alessio Passerini
1:28:31Cerimonia di premiazione progetto CyberCup.IT
Davide Maiorca
1:56:20Infrastruttura per una piattaforma A/D
Mirco De Zorzi
2:27:34Ma le CTF servono davvero a qualcosa?
Lorenzo Siriu
Lorenzo Pisu
2:59:50A small loan
Lorenzo Leonardini


Organizing committee

  • Gaspare Ferraro, Cybersecurity National Lab
  • Matteo Rossi, Cybersecurity National Lab
  • Matteo Protopapa, Cybersecurity National Lab
  • Giulia Martino, Cybersecurity National Lab