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High Schools

For all secondary high schools and their teachers, we offer a free federation program called CyberHighSchools. The CyberHighSchools program aims to activate a network among secondary high schools, with the goal of creating an intermediate level of training and interaction with students, simultaneously building a community of teachers increasingly aware of cybersecurity issues and interested in the programs of the Cybersecurity National Laboratory of CINI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica). By joining the program for free, the school becomes part of a network of "federated" schools with the Laboratory and is considered a participant in the three programs CyberChallenge.IT, OliCyber.IT, and CyberTrials.

Are you a teacher?

 Federate your school!


Does federating the institute have a cost?
Does my high school have to meet any requirements to federate?
No, any high school can join the CyberHighSchools program.
Are there training modules for teachers of federated schools?
Yes, on the training portal, on-demand video lessons on basic cybersecurity topics are available. In addition, in the teacher training courses organized during the year, mentoring sessions with industry experts will be available.
Is it necessary to federate the institute to have its students participate in the CyberChallenge.IT program?
It is not necessary to federate the institute, but it won't be able to monitor the progress of students within the program.
Are students automatically enrolled when a school is federated?
No, it is still necessary for all interested students to complete the registration correctly through the websites of individual projects.
Other questions?
Contact us at [email protected].